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Natural disasters have a strong impact on West African cities, and climatic and demographic changes tend to increase their severity.

The STEWARd project aims to study, from a physical and social points of view, high impact meteorological events (intense rains, droughts, heat waves, dust storms and air quality) on several large West African cities with the aim of proposing and developing, with local partners, decision support tools for the operational early warning of risks to populations.

The project

Natural disasters have a strong impact on West African cities, and climatic and demographic changes tend to increase their severity.
The STEWARd project aims to study, from a physical and social point of view, high impact meteorological events (intense rains, droughts, heat waves, dust storms and air quality) on several large West African cities with the aim of proposing and developing, with local partners, decision support tools for the operational early warning of risks to populations

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