French partners
Lavaysse Christophe, CR IRD, IGE, Grenoble
Scientific advisor
Diedhiou Arona, DR IRD, IGE, Cote d’Ivoire
Co-PI of the project
Anquetin Sandrine, DR CNRS, IGE, Grenoble
Co-responsible of the WP1
Bonnet Emmanuel, CR IRD, UMI Resilience, Burkina Faso
Co-responsible of the WP1
Flamant Cyrille, DR CNRS, LATMOS, Paris
Scientific partner WP2
Hingray Benoit, CR CNRS, IGE, Grenoble
Scientific partner WP2
Rome Sandra, MdC, IGE, Grenoble
Scientific partner WP2
Ruin Isabelle, CR CNRS, IGE, Grenoble
Scientific partner WP1, WP3
Sultan Benjamin, DR IRD, Espace-Dev, Montpellier
Responsible of the WP3
Vischel Théo, MdC, IGE, Grenoble
Scientific partner WP2
Masters, PhD, PDRA
Ngoungue Langue Cédric Gacial, Doctorant, LATMOS-IGE, Paris
Scientific partner WP2